Happy Valentine’s Day. The day we set aside to celebrate love. One of my favorite days of the year! I love the hearts, the conversation candies, the cinnamon hearts, the colors and the doily Valentines, I even love the date, February 14th. I guess you could say I love everything about it.
I know that some people see it as a Hallmark Card, made up day to make money, and others see it as a day to survive, without a Romantic Partner to go out with, I see it as a celebration of the most important thing in life, LOVE.
A couple of years ago, as my husband was driving 65 miles an hour, he fainted in my arms, the car swerved down the highway making “S” marks, it turned upside down and landed back on it’s four wheels and stopped right before hitting a cement highway wall. I could not see how we could survive, I was sure we were going to die. As the car was turning over, the thought went through my mind. “The only thing that matters when you come to the end of your life, is love, how well you loved and how well you received love”. And then the car landed on its wheels, my husband’s neck was broken and we survived. But in that moment, I understood what life is about. And it is a lesson I live by each day.
While love includes, pretty Valentines and boxes of Chocolate, it comes from an open heart and it gives out kindness, compassion, empathy and care. Love radiates from the self to all creatures of the universe, to those in our lives, to animals and to the trees in the forest, to the oceans and mountains, to a snowy day and a cozy night, love is every where and in everyone. It flows to you and through you, all you need is an open heart.
Love and the habit of loving can be cultivated just like anything else in this life. Here are my favorites for Valentine’s Day.
- Do something for someone you love. Something that you know they would love. Could be something as simple as a walk or a phone call, whatever it is that they would love.
- Do something for a stranger. Can you help someone across the street, reach for a can high on the grocery shelf, smile, whatever you notice that will spread the love.
- Do something for someone who has been difficult in your life. Maybe just sending out compassion towards them.
- Do something for the planet, the earth, ocean or animals.
Try “This Loving-Kindness Meditation is a Radical Act of Love” by Jon Kabat-Zinn
By spreading the love we all receive it and the more we receive the better for all of the world.
Happy Valentine’s Day
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