The masculine protects where the feminine connects. So, what does this mean? And how can we use it to better our relationships?
Firstly, we need to preface this statement – when talking about ‘masculine and feminine’, we’re referring to energies and not genders or sexes. All of us have both masculine and feminine energies within us, however we all have a core. For most men it’s masculine, and for most women it’s feminine, but not always.
When examining the two energies, the highest purpose of the masculine is to serve and protect; for the feminine, it’s to care and connect. And because these energies are different but also complementary, there is a polarity that exists between the two – an attraction (or chemistry) which ‘calls’ on the other to ‘show up’.
For example, when a woman in her feminine feels she can trust in the protection and security offered by a masculine man, she is ‘called’ to let go and connect – not only with him, but with herself, her surroundings, the natural and the divine. She feels the freedom to channel emotion, love, sensuality, creativity, wildness, all that connects her to love and life – this is her authentic feminine expression.
He, in return, is ‘called’ to protect her connection – to provide safety, presence, strength, security and order, ensuring no harm comes to her while in this vulnerable and chaotic state. She is the storm and he is the harbour. She experiences the fullness of life, and he experiences the same through their connectedness. It’s a beautiful and powerful bond, but it can also be a fragile one.
We often hear of relationships breaking down, ‘not from of a lack of love, but from of a lack of intimacy’. This simply means polarity has been lost. It occurs when partners are not living true to their core energies, or the same energy has been adopted by both partners for too longer time. Connection erodes and intimacy falls away. However, if there is honest communication and trust, and both partners return to their core energies, polarity is restored, and liveliness has a place to thrive again.
Interestingly, the dance of these energies is not limited to relationships. The same dynamic occurs within ourselves. We call on our masculine to serve and protect ourselves from anguish, hurt and pain. We call on our feminine to care and connect with life, and to share or release emotion. We tend to spend more time in one energy than the other depending on our core, but this play of energies happens within us all the time.
So, where are you right now? Are you in your masculine or your feminine? Which is your core energy? Do you need to adopt a different energy to restore a connection in your relationship? Once we acknowledge the unique power that each of the feminine and masculine carry, we can purposefully call on these energies within ourselves and also in our partners, to experience more vitality in our relationships and individual lives.
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