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Do you feel emotionally and mentally stuck, although you may have everything you wanted?
Perhaps, it's your daily routine or it's your comfort zone that hold you back, or perhaps you are not quite sure.
What you know though is that it's time for a change!
That's how I was feeling for years; stuck, depressed, unmotivated, till I redefined my purpose and got back the control of my life.
And that's what we are going to do together.
*** What we will do together ***
We will explore your possibilities (which most of the times you don't know they exist), build confidence and tangible plans, but most importantly, we will enhance your mental health and create the life you want to live, regardless what has happened in your past or how you believe your future will look like.
And this is what my client accomplish; they get in touch with their deeper self and start living a more fulfilled and meaningful life - the one they secretly dream of.
*** My coaching practice ***
My coaching is based on the Person-Centered approach (because you know best your challenges and what you need) while Cognitive Behavioral and Existential elements are an integral part of my practice. I also love to use mindfulness, meditation and visualisation when I find it appropriate.
I hold a diploma in Transformational Life Coaching, and certificates in Mindfulness for Coaching, in Existential Coaching, and in Group Coaching. My training with Animas Centre For Coaching is certified by the ICF, the leading body for coaching standards.
I offer a complimentary session, so you can see for yourself the benefits of my coaching.
Although free, it's a full coaching session and you will leave with clarity and tangible actions.