This is the first of a 12-part series to prepare you for the new year. Visit my profile or Emotiquo’s Facebook page for the full 12 days.
Day 1 of 12: Goals
Around this time, most people start figuring out what they want to do in the new year. They make goals to help better themselves. Whether it be weight loss, financial, career, or education, most people stop pursing their goal before the end of January.
Fun Stats: According to the Washington Post…
— 25% of people will stop pursing their goal within the first week of the new year.
— Only 8% of people actually accomplish their goals before the end of the year.
So how can we become the 8%?
Here are some guidelines to make sure you succeed in 2019:
- Write down your goals: By writing them down, we “commit” to the goal and visualize the goal; sparking motivation for us to complete the goal.
- Chunk it up: A lot of people get overwhelmed with a new goal. Some expectations may include losing 50 lbs before the end of February. This is unrealistic. Make a timeline on when you would like to accomplish benchmarks to help achieve your goals. For example, if you want to have $5000 in your savings account by the end of the year, break it down monthly and commit to that. If you want to lose 50 lbs next year, make benchmarks throughout the year that will help you get there. I want to weight XXX before March 31.
- Reward Yourself: If you successfully complete a benchmark before the deadline that you created, reward yourself. This could be something small like seeing a movie. Always reward yourself for your hard work.
- Commit to others: There is nothing like the power of telling others our goals because they hold us accountable for our actions. Make sure the one’s you commit to will hold you accountable and keep you motivated.
- Keep track of your progress: How will you know that you are inching closer to your goal? Keep a chart, journal, or download an app to help keep track of your progress.
Now, that doesn’t seem too difficult now does it? If you have any other ideas or advice that you would like to share, feel free to comment in the post. Also, if you would like to commit to your goal in the comments section, feel free to do so. Start today for a better tomorrow.
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