Kids need to orient towards a parent. It is how nature made us. If that… Read
Big Boys Don’t ‘Have to’ Cry
Men’s coach Jon Barratt discusses the often tenuous relationship between men, masculinity and expressing emotion, and argues that what really needs to change is the expectation of how men should be.
Beyond Grief, Reclaim Your Spirit
Within you there is pure spirit waiting to be revealed, that was tucked away and… Read
Millennials: A New Perspective On An Old Stereotype
An oft uttered phrase in newsfeeds, Facebook™ posts, and YouTube™ rants about the millennial generation… Read
How to Speak Your Child’s Love Language
Learn how to use the 5 love languages to improve relationships with your children.
I’m Done Being Your Son
I don’t think anyone would argue that ‘growing up’ can be difficult. However, the enduring… Read