For a masculine man, vulnerability is a place he should visit but never stay. Let’s unpack this to understand it properly.
Firstly, when we refer to a masculine man, we’re acknowledging his ‘core’ energy. All human beings have both masculine and feminine energies within them, and we call on these energies to achieve different things at different times. But, we all have a core energy in our natural state. For most men, it’s masculine, and for most women, it’s feminine. But not always.
Vulnerability is an expression of the feminine, and is harnessed for connection. It’s a feminine woman’s most powerful tool to share, influence, nurture and connect with herself and others, her world and the divine. This is her strength. A man uses his feminine to release emotions, expel negativity, garner support, make peace and create space for his masculine energy to return.
However, when a man shifts into his feminine, he surrenders his masculine power. The power to serve and protect. And it’s for this reason, a masculine man needs to trust his environment entirely before he ‘lays down his sword’. Just as it takes courage to face a fear, it takes courage to expose his weakness. But, it’s something he must do.
Although these ‘visits’ are necessary, issues can arise when a man is otherwise starved of connection or significance, perhaps from his partner or loved ones. If he is rewarded when he dwells in his feminine, he can become addicted. And although his needs are met in the short term, dishonouring his authentic core soon leads to inner conflicts, a lack of fulfilment, disharmony in relationships, erosion of trust with intimate partners, and a decay in confidence and self-esteem. He slips further and further away from his masculine power, making it harder to return.
So, although a man should regularly visit vulnerability for his betterment and wellbeing, it’s not a place he should live. He must honour his core and quickly return to masculinity – the place he manifests his most authentic power. And it’s here that he experiences the ‘ultimate’ connection to all the feminine has to offer, not directly, but channelled through his feminine partner. Such is the true beauty of the masculine and feminine union, and the very reason we need each other to experience the greatest fulfilment in life.
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