Yes, your assumptions are probably wrong!
Take, for example, the story below – it really got me.
A father and his son were in a car accident.
The father died and the son gets rushed into hospital.
However, the surgeon takes a look at the patient and says:
“I can’t operate on him. That’s my son.”
What’s going on?
An assumption is something that we assume to be true.
And a big part of our experience is constituted by assumptions.
You see, our brain has been evolved, for better or for worse, to create them.
Our ancestors needed to quickly decide whether that shadow was a tiger or just a branch, and they had to decide without having all the information.
Same today! We don’t always have the time to validate every single input, and most of the times, we need to make fast judgements.
So now, we still go through our lives making assumptions, we still live day to day taking things to be true without validating them.
For instance, when we argue with our partner or our boss the story that we create inside our heads is based on OUR assumptions about the OTHER person’s beliefs, intentions, understandings, actions.
But do we have all the information to judge properly, or do we have enough time to stop and think?
Well, most of the times not.
However, knowing that humans do that, we can become aware of our own assumptions!
So, what is an assumption you have about a situation, someone else or even about you?
And please, feel free to send me your assumptions in a message — I would love to exchange some between us. You can contact me here.
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