Whether you think you can, or you think you can’t – you’re right! — Henry Ford
I am sure all of us have at some stages in our lives have given ourselves a good dose or two, three or more negative self-talks. Do any of the statements below sound familiar?
“I am worthless!”
“Nobody loves me!”
“I am not good enough for him or her!”
“They will never like me!”
“I will never get that job!”
“I am not qualified enough for that job!”
“Why do these things keep happening to me?”
What if you told yourself the opposite to each of those statements? Do you think that would turn negatives into positives?
There is a man called Joe Girard and he is in the Guinness Book of Records for selling the most cars in the world. He had a hard background, being physically and psychologically abused as a child at home, being bullied at school because he was from an immigrant background. Yet, instead of listening to the lies of negative self-talk, he did something very important every day before he went to work. He looked at himself in the mirror after he was dressed and ready to go and said —
“I am, the best, car salesman in the world!”
“People love me because I am the best car salesman in the world!”
“There is not one person who will come into the car yard today who will walk out with out buying a car from me!”
“All of these things are true and will happen because, I am, the best, car salesman in the world!”
Try it yourself! Grab a pen and paper, draw a line down the middle and in bullet-point form write down your negative self-talk points on the left-hand side. Once you have done that, on the right-hand side half of the page right, the opposite.
For example, left-hand side “I am worthless!”, right-hand side “I am a great person!”. Once you have completed the list on both sides, fold the page putting the negative points behind and only show the positive points. Put that page somewhere you can read it when you get up in the morning and say the positive self-talks points to yourself everyday when you get up out of bed.
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