“The destination is momentary. The journey lasts our whole life.”
I’m so fed up of desiring the perfect life!
Yet, my mind does not stop bugging me about it…
I have understood though that this “perfect” life that I desire so much will never come.
And the contradiction is that the day that everything will be perfect in my life is impossible, so expecting it is an imperfection on its own.
Haven’t you noticed that yourself?
We want a non-stressful life – but, how can we grow when there is no force to propel us forward?
We crave a worry-free relationship – however, how can we truly be in love and care about our close ones without the fear of losing them?
I’m so fed up of desiring the perfect life!
But when I take the time to contemplate on it, I realise that that’s not exactly it.
The truth is that I’m fed up with my head, with my mind, with my thoughts. I’m fed up with myself for desiring, and wanting, and expecting, and demanding an imaginary life.
The bottom line is that I’m annoyed with myself for wanting to bypass the experience and the journey; for being eager to reach the end in one go, to arrive at a destination that we can never arrive.
Because you see, the destination is momentary; when we get there, immediately it’s gone. The journey, on the other hand, lasts forever. The journey is the one that lasts our whole life.
I know what I desire the most now!
What about you, what do you desire the most?
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