During this pandemic, you will find women are especially worried. Don’t give me some bullshit about equality, women are the primary caregivers for young and old the world over.
Not men. Women.
If a child lives through its first few years of life it is almost always due to its mother. And, who predominantly looks after the elderly and the sick?
Humans have such a long maturation process. A child needs to be attended to every second of the day for years and years.
Men solve problems and back off until the next one comes along.
Women’s work is never done.
To take a kid to age 16 involves a half billion seconds she spends thinking of how to keep that child safe.
Men? Not so much. In fact, not even close.
When she’s worried about this pandemic, a couple of things to keep in mind about your approach.
- Don’t take on her worry as yours. The last thing she needs is for you to mirror her anxiety with anxiety of your own. She’s turning to you for your strength and power. Don’t let her down.
- Act if you can. That’s what men do, act to shore up the safety of our families. If there is something you can do to make her life a little less worrisome, do it. Protect her.
- Talk to her. Make a plan that both of you buy into. By having a structure in place, even if it’s doing the best you can under the circumstances, it will go a long way to alleviating her fear. Leave no stone unturned.
- Prioritize. Be mindful she’s in a “all-hands-on-deck” mode and so it’s not time to goof off doing unnecessary stuff that does not directly relate to ensuring everyone’s safety. Stay focused.
- Watch for negativity. Recognize that doubting voice at the back of your head and allow it to just pass you by. Instead, ask yourself, “What’s my highest-self response to this?” and take that route. Be powerful.
- Bring her back to the present with your presence. It’s easy to live in the anxiety trap of the future when so much is unknown. What’s before you, today? Do that. One thing and one day at a time.
- Encourage her. Let her know you are proud of her and can rely on her. Take the extra time spent together to rekindle your respect and awe for her and her journey.
- Practice self-care. Sleep allows diet and exercise to be healthful. Practice ten or 20-second three of four deep breath meditations all day long like reps. See if you can get everyone to do them.
- Be a hero. The Hero’s Journey is always about transcending one’s self for the sake of someone else or a greater good. To be someone’s hero, for your family, for her, your children, and others close to you, is a privilege.
- Look for a silver lining. What other opportunities can you make of this challenge? How can you turn this situation into something positive for you and your loved ones?
A man who uses his power in service of himself and others finds meaning and freedom. Freedom!
Use your King energy to help your Queen bring order to her world. Encourage and bless her.
Stay powerful, never give up.
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